Unlike other manipulation therapies, Chiropractic Therapy focuses on the manipulation of the spine through a series of adjustments and mobilizations. Adjustments are commonly high-velocity motions applied to abnormal vertebra with the goal to improve symmetry and functionality. Chiropractic mobilization refers to a slow manipulation and stretching of muscles and joints with the goal of increasing the range of motion within specific areas of the spine.

Dr. Alanna Blumhagen


Dr. Ashlyn Demmers


Dr. Kamal Ikram


Dr. Tim Kernahan


Who is it for?

What you need to know.

Radial Shockwave Therapy has been effectively used to relieve chronic pain in conditions such as heel spurs, achilles tendonitis, tennis elbow and other chronic pains.

At our clinic, we often find that a course of Radial Shockwave therapy can prove extremely beneficial in cases which would otherwise be referred to surgery.

To find out if Radial Shockwave Therapy could fit into your treatment plan, schedule an appointment today

What is Radial Shockwave Therapy?

Our approach

Radial Shockwave Therapy (RST) is a unique type of treatment that uses high-energy sound waves to heal pain in the body. It is most effective when used to treat chronic pain as the process promotes regeneration and repair of bones, muscles and soft tissues.

How is it different?

How this service can help you

At our clinic, Radial Shockwave Therapy is performed by one of our specially trained physiotherapists or chiropractors. Using dedicated RST equipment, the therapist transmits acoustic waves through the surface of the skin and into the body, directly targeting the problem area. The body responds to these waves with increased metabolic activity which stimulates and accelerates the healing process.

Although patients may feel some slight discomfort, the process is a pain-free and non-invasive way to penetrate deep into the soft tissue beneath the skin. Radial shockwave has proven to be extremely effective in healing pain which may be unresponsive to more traditional therapies such as physiotherapy and massage.

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